ASIC Reference Checking and Information Sharing Protocol

What you need to know about the ASIC Protocol

Under the ASIC Reference Checking and Information Sharing Protocol, licensees must meet certain obligations.

We explain more about this protocol’s obligations and how they apply to licensees below.


What is this protocol?

The ASIC Protocol sets out obligations for licensees to undertake a reference check and share information on an individual seeking to be employed or authorised as a financial adviser or mortgage broker.

For further information, refer to ASIC’s media release.


Who does this protocol apply to?

Any Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL) or Australian Credit Licence (ACL) seeking to recruit into a role for either a Mortgage Broker or a Financial Adviser.


How do I request a reference from ubank under this protocol?

Email all ASIC reference check requests to


What information needs to be provided when requesting a reference?

The ASIC reference template, including your AFSL or ACL licence number and a copy of the prospective representative’s completed consent form.