How do I change the account that my UHomeLoan repayments are direct debited from?
When you had originally settled your UHomeLoan you would have supplied ubank with an account which you would like your home loan repayments to be paid from. If you are now requiring to change this bank account, simply download the Direct Debit Request form, print and complete. Once you have completed and signed this form, please scan and email your form to
If you have multiple loan accounts set up, and want to change the direct debit account on more than one of these loans, you’ll need to complete a separate Direct Debit Request form for each loan account.
The types of accounts you can nominate for direct debit include:
- Australian bank accounts with a BSB and account number (the account must also be a transactional account that supports direct debits);
- Must be in the same name of at least one of the borrowers on the UHomeLoan;
- Can be a joint account as long as the joint account holder also signs the Direct Debit Request form;
- If the account you are nominating is a ubank account, then you will only be able to nominate the Spend account as this supports the direct debit feature. Similarly, if you nominate a non-ubank account, please ensure this account will support direct debits.
- Once the change has been actioned, our team at Advantedge will send you an email confirming all changes; usually you will receive the email within 2 business days. If there are any problems in actioning the form you have submitted, we will reach out to notify you of this.
- If you have any questions about the Direct Debit Request form, please contact Advantedge on 1300 300 989 (8.00am – 7.30pm Monday to Friday Sydney time).